
CCI Paris Ile de France

Find an exam center

More than 400 centers worldwide are offering the TEF and/or a Diploma in French for Professions.

Do you want to:

  • find an exam center close to you?
  • find out the dates of upcoming exam sessions?
  • pre-register directly with a center?

Click below to access this information!



IMPORTANT : If you have any queries or questions, please do not hesitate to directly contact your exam center.

Each exam center is independent in the organization of the tests. It is your single point of contact to pre-register / register, to confirm your contact email, to send your convocation, or, if applicable, to cancel your registration.


Steps for pre-registration


Select the exam you want to take.


Indicate the city / country where you want to take the exam.


Specify when you want to take the exam.


Start your search.


Find a list of centers and the dates of upcoming exam sessions.
You can then contact the center that suits you best for more information (Contacter le centre) or directly pre-register (Choisir).