Prepare yourself for the oral comprehension test of the TEF
If you are taking the TEF and would like to know everything to prepare for the oral comprehension part of the test, this article is for you!
On this page you will find the latest news in English on Le français des affaires.
If you are taking the TEF and would like to know everything to prepare for the oral comprehension part of the test, this article is for you!
If you are taking the TEF and would like to know everything to prepare for the written comprehension part of the test, this article is for you!
The format of the TEF Oral Comprehension, Written Comprehension and Vocabulary and Syntax is going to change this December, on Monday, the 11th.
You would like to know more about the section A of the written expression test of the TEF, the story, and how to prepare for it?
You are soon taking the TEF? Here is everything you need to know for the vocabulary and syntax part of the test !
Are you wondering how the different TEF sections are assessed and what are the evaluation criteria for each of them? Then, this article is for you!
You are taking the TEF and would like to know how to prepare for section B of the written expression test?
You will soon take the TEF and would like to know everything to prepare for the oral expression part of the test?
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Here are some small things you can do to keep improving your Professional French
Here we’ll give you 5 tips on how to improve an aspect of your Professional French.
Here are 5 tips on how to write a professional email in French.