Take the test

On the day of the exam, report to your test center at the time specified in your invitation.

The supervisor checks your ID and your invitation. You are asked to validate your personal information (surname, first name, date of birth and e-mail) and sign on a tablet.

This information will appear on your results certificate. Be sure to check your personal details when signing.

The supervisor tells you then where to stand to start the first test and gives you instructions on how to take the test.

Points to remember:

  • Your cell phone and any other electronic device must be switched off.
  • You can’t use a dictionary or any other reference material.
  • No personal belongings are to be left in evidence or on the table during the tests, with the exception of your ID.
  • You must not contact other candidates.
  • No latecomers are allowed in the room once the test has begun.
  • No one is allowed to leave the premises during the computer-based tests.

Computer-based tests

The reading, listening and writing tests are computer-based.

The supervisor will provide you with an access code to log on to the online test platform the online test platform.

Once logged in, follow the instructions for each test.

Reading comprehension

Objective: Measure your ability to read and understand written documents.

Content: 13 questions
These 13 questions are displayed over a total of 19 screens (some screens give instructions, others are transitions).

Duration: 30 minutes

Format: Multiple choice questionnaire (MCQ)
For each question, there is a choice of 4 answers, but only one answer is correct. You can navigate freely within the questionnaires on your computer.

Scale :
Correct answer = +1 point
Wrong answer / No answer = 0 points

Listening comprehension

Objective: Measure your ability to understand spoken French by listening to audio documents.

Content: 17 questions
These 17 questions are displayed over a total of 23 screens (some screens give instructions, others are transitions).

Duration: 10 minutes

Format: Multiple choice questionnaire (MCQ)
For each question, there is a choice of 4 answers, but only one answer is correct. You must answer the questions as you go along (you cannot go back).

Each audio is played only once. You have a few seconds to read the questions before the audio starts automatically, then a response time after the audio.

Scale :
Bonne réponse = 1 point.
Pas de réponse / Mauvaise réponse = 0 point

Written expression

Objective: Measure your ability to express yourself in written French.

Content: 2 sections 

Duration: 30 minutes

Format: The test is divided into two sections, A and B.

  • Section A – 10 minutes
    Write a message to ask for news
  • Section B – 20 minutes
    Explain your motivations to convince others

Special characters: if your computer keyboard does not display special French characters (é, è, ê, ç, à, …), please note that they will also be available on a virtual keyboard, directly on the webpage.

Exemple clavier numérique

Oral expression test

The oral expression test takes place face-to-face with an examiner.

Oral expression

Objective: Measure your ability to communicate orally with an interlocutor.

Content: 2 sections 

Duration: 10 minutes in total  

Format: The test is divided into two sections, A and B.

  • Section A – 5 minutes
    Helping a friend make a decision
  • Section B – 5 minutes
    Making a request and asking questions about services

For your information, this test is systematically recorded to enable double assessment

Be careful!

All tests must be taken on the same day.

Further information

How do you write special characters (é, è, ê, ç, à, ...)?

If your computer keyboard does not include special characters (é, è, ê, ç, à, …), you can access a numeric keypad directly on the platform where you take the exam.

Exemple clavier numérique

What are the consequences of fraud?

Any attempt to cheat during the TEF examination will result in severe penalties.

In the event of fraud, falsification or disruption of the test session, sanctions will be imposed by Le français des affaires Disciplinary Commission.

Penalties may include cancelation of the test or of the certificate issued, and/or a ban on taking the test for a period set by the commission.

The Disciplinary Commission’s decision is communicated to the test center and the test prescriber.

Please note that the agents in charge of following up files at the French ministry have access to the results obtained by candidates directly from Le français des affaires.

Distribution of subjects

Test subjects are confidential. Any reproduction and/or distribution, in whole or in part, by any means whatsoever (photo, photocopy, internet, smartphone, social networks…), without the authorization of Le français des affaires is strictly forbidden.

In the event of non-compliance with these instructions, Le français des affaires reserves the right to take appropriate action (invalidation of the test, prohibition from taking the TEF, legal proceedings, etc.).