There are a number of ways in which the TEF IRN can be made accessible to candidates with disabilities or who are affected by digital illiteracy.
To obtain a special accommodation, you must submit a medical certificate to your test center before registration, in which your doctor:
- explains the nature of your disability,
- makes recommendations for test design.
If the test center determines that you are affected by digital illiteracy, it can offer you assistance and/or accommodations (e.g. a manual written expression test).
Le français des affaires examines the possibility of a specific adjustment to the test conditions as soon as possible and informs the test center.
Applicants for a resident’s card in France can apply for special dispensation for testing by presenting a medical certificate duly completed by the attending physician and submitted to the prefecture.
Please note: only the model medical certificate issued by the prefecture can be used to support the application for a resident’s card; no other document is accepted.
For more information, we invite you to consult the decree of February 10, 2021 setting the model medical certificate provided for in b of 5° of article R. 314-1 of the Code of Entry and Residence of Foreigners and of the Right to Asylum.
Applicants for French naturalization must present a certificate drawn up in accordance with the regulatory model laid down by decree NOR : INTV2009412A of July 17, 2020. The certificate can be downloaded from this page.