
Step 1.

Register directly for a TEF IRN session at one of our 500 official test centers in over 110 countries.

Anticipate your registration as soon as possible.

To find your nearest test center, follow this link:

If you can’t find a TEF IRN center in your country, please contact us.

Step 2.

Once your registration has been validated, your test center will send you further information by e-mail.

Please note! If you haven’t received any information a week before the exam, check your “Junk mail” / “Spam” folder in your inbox. You can also contact your test center directly.

Did you know?

In France, you can also take the TEF IRN at the CCI Paris Île-de-France offices in Paris, 5 rue Armand Moisant (15th).
► Register online here

Further information

What are the registration and test-taking conditions?

You must be at least 16 years old. No diploma is required to sit the exam.

Click here to consult the registration and test-taking conditions.

How much does the test cost?

Registration fees are set by the test center. Prices may vary from one center to another and according to the number of tests.

How to request special arrangements?

There are a number of ways in which the TEF IRN can be made accessible to candidates with disabilities or who are affected by digital illiteracy.

To obtain a special accommodation, you must submit a medical certificate to your test center before registration, in which your doctor:

  • explains the nature of your disability,
  • makes recommendations for test design.

If the test center determines that you are affected by digital illiteracy, it can offer you assistance and/or accommodations (e.g. a manual written expression test).

Le français des affaires examines the possibility of a specific adjustment to the test conditions as soon as possible and informs the test center.

Applicants for a resident’s card in France can apply for special dispensation for testing by presenting a medical certificate duly completed by the attending physician and submitted to the prefecture.

Please note: only the model medical certificate issued by the prefecture can be used to support the application for a resident’s card; no other document is accepted.

For more information, we invite you to consult the decree of February 10, 2021 setting the model medical certificate provided for in b of 5° of article R. 314-1 of the Code of Entry and Residence of Foreigners and of the Right to Asylum.

Applicants for French naturalization must present a certificate drawn up in accordance with the regulatory model laid down by decree NOR : INTV2009412A of July 17, 2020. The certificate can be downloaded from this page.

Can I cancel my registration?

Registration is firm and final. Any registration fees you have paid will be retained.

In the event of cancelation before the day of the test or absence on the day of the test for major reasons (illness, professional impediment, death of a parent, etc.), you must provide the center with proof (medical certificate, employer’s certificate, etc.).

Le français des affaires then examines the reasons for absence and may propose a new registration at the center, at no extra cost.

In the event of unjustified absence or withdrawal, no refund will be given. You accept these conditions when you register at the center.