
CCI Paris Ile de France

Publié le 9 April 2021

Prepare yourself for section A of the TEF written expression test: the story

If you would like to know more about the section A of the written expression test of the TEF and how to prepare for it, then this article is for you!

Transmitting information

In the section A, you have 25 minutes to convey information.

You have to write the continuation of a text in a coherent and relevant way. Don’t forget to provide details, explanations and new information that does not appear in the statement.

Therefore, we advise you to read the topic carefully, and then use the title to get inspired to imagine what will happen next.

>n order for you to practice, you can consult the tutorial and the preparation workshop dedicated to the written expression test (in French).

How is the written expression test assessed?

During section A of the written expression test, you will be evaluated based on :

• the relevance of the information you transmit (are they in line with the subject?) ;
• the quality of the information (examples, details, illustrations) ;
• the overall coherence of the text, the quality of the sentences and the vocabulary you use (variety, precision) ;
• the syntax and punctuation.


Some advice to pass section A of the written expression test, by Amandine, education manager: 

1. Do not copy the beginning of the text, you will waste time and it does not earn you any points.
2. Do not summarize or rephrase the text.
3. Bring in new information, using your imagination. Sometimes, the text title provides valuable information. 


In which TEF can I find section A of the written expression test?

You will have to take section A of the written expression test whether you are taking the TEF, the TEF Canada, or the TEFAQ.

Duration of the test: 60 minutes Duration of the test: 30 minutes

Composition of the test:

  • evaluation of the ability to transmit information (section A – 25 minutes)
  • evaluation of the ability to express and justify your point of view (section B – 35 minutes)

Composition of the test:

  • evaluation of the ability to ask for informal information (section 1 – 10 minutes)
  • evaluation of the ability to explain your motivations to persuade (section B – 20 minutes)


You can also consult our articles on the TEF test:

– Prepare section B of the written expression test of the TEF 
– Prepare for the oral expression test of the TEF
– Prepare for the oral comprehension test of the TEF
– Prepare for the written comprehension test of the TEF
 Prepare for the vocabulary and syntax test of the TEF

Don’t forget to consult our TEF preparation workshops here.

If you have further questions about the test preparation, email us at or join our Facebook group.